
We are engaged in the real estate resale business, offering services to B2B clients. Our aim is to maximize the asset value of real estate and provide institutional investors with attractive investment opportunities, thereby pursuing sustainable and effective returns.

Company Philosophy

Driving Growth, Empowering Decisions

We believe that in a rapidly changing business environment, taking swift action is the key to success. By promptly evaluating information and responding proactively and accurately, we maintain competitiveness and maximize results.


Our real estate business offers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our customers. We support all types of real estate transactions, from residential properties to commercial facilities and office buildings, to help each customer achieve their dreams and goals.

Corporate Overview

Company Name REVOLUTION Co., Ltd. (Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Securities Code: 8894)
Head Office Address New Otani Garden Court, 12F,
4-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0094
Phone Contact 03-6627-3487
Name and Title of Representative President and CEO, Hiroaki Shindo
Date of Establishment March 1986
Business Description Real Estate, Investment, Asset Management
Fiscal Year End October 31
Auditor EY Shin Nihon LLC
Real Estate Transaction Business License Number: Governor of Tokyo (1) No. 110919


Both our business and management team have been completely renewed, bringing a 'revolution' to our own company.

Our company has primarily focused on the rental business, but with the recent depreciation of the yen, we have noticed a value increase in prime metropolitan properties in Japan. Consequently, we have decided to venture into a property buying and selling business centered around these properties.
Along with this, I have initiated a 'revolution' in management to break away from our past tendency of capital increase.

By completely renewing our management team with members who have a wealth of achievements, we have established a new system suitable for our business's new direction. Furthermore, we are embarking on an unprecedented property value enhancement strategy by forming alliances for renovation and rebranding, and constructing a unique purchasing network that secures numerous prime locations in the city center.

REVOLUTION has been reborn as a company that creates first-class real estate in prime urban locations. Going forward, we are committed to becoming a leading company in metropolitan real estate, and we kindly ask for your support.

January 29, 2024
President and CEO Hiroaki Shindo

Business Plan

Business Plan