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Corporate Governance
As a company that continues to create the future, we remain dedicated to meeting the needs of our various stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, and local communities. We focus on improving and accelerating management efficiency, enhancing disclosure, separating decision-making and execution in management, and ensuring the independence of directors with auditing responsibilities. These practices are foundational to our corporate governance, aimed at maximizing corporate value from the shareholders' perspective and ensuring transparency in our operations.
In addition, based on the Companies Act and its implementing regulations, we have established a 'Basic Policy for Ensuring the Proper Conduct of Business' and are implementing and operating systems in accordance with this policy. To ensure the appropriateness of our company's overall operations, we maintain and properly operate an internal control system. This system focuses on compliance with laws and regulations related to business activities, ensuring the reliability of financial reporting, asset preservation, and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. The adequacy of this system is regularly audited and evaluated by the Internal Control Office, which operates independently under the direct control of the President and CEO.
For more information about our policies and systems based on these principles, please see the information below.
Crisis Management
Our company strives to maintain corporate value, ensure the stability of our business, and continue our operations by applying best practices in risk management. As the complexity of our business diversifies, we are always updating our policies.